List Dates

Ensure your lists are updated in your Street Captain binder.

Membership list last updated: 09-26-2023
The above is the latest update to the membership list. Any changes, e.g., new phone, email, etc will change the date. This is available at http://certdemo2.fscert.org/cert-members/


Address assign list last updated: 09-16-2022
The above is the latest update to the Address Assignment database list, From this the Street Captain and Division Commander Siza Ups, and Auxiliary Assigned are derived. If the date on your size up is on or after this date, you have the latest. If not, download and print a new size up at http://certdemo2.fscert.org/sc-sizeup-regular-excel    or the Auxiliary Assigned at http://certdemo2.fscert.org/auxlisting/
Any updates throughout Four Seasons assignments will change the date, so you might find your division is unaffected.

The latest date for the Storeroom Inventory of emergency supplies available to you is 12/25/2021 available at http://certdemo2.fscert.org/wp-content/uploads/INVENTORY.pdf